Category Archives: Blog Posts
More Than Online
Even though I teach online, I find time to enjoy the adventures Montana. Here’s a link to an interview I did with a local newspaper journalist who is spending a year creating a backcountry skiing blog.
Examples of Alternative Assignments
In many of my online courses I allow students to demonstrate their learning through alternative assignments. Examples of these include powerpoint or keynote presentations, podcasting, pdfbooks and glogs. A special thanks to the students who granted me permission to use their … Continue reading
Engaging Students in the Science & Engineering Practices
You may remember from previous posts that I work with the MPRES grant as the science education consultant. The goal of the grant is to prepare a group of teachers who are qualified to provide professional development to teachers of … Continue reading
Framework/NGSS Toolkit
The MPRES (Montana Partnership with Regions for Excellence in STEM) Grant has completed the first draft of the MPRES Toolkit which will be used as a
Nearing MOOC Oz
The discussions about the creation of a MOOC continue At this point it seems that the best option for us is to use D2L’s MOOC platform.
Following the Yellow MOOC Road
I am hoping to move down the MOOC road soon. I am planning to create a MOOC for the Teaching Inquiry through Science and Engineering Practices course. The MSSE Program sees it as a marketing tool for the Program as … Continue reading
MOOC Reflections
My goal is to offer a MOOC in the fall. To that end, I recently signed up as a student in several MOOCs. As most of you know, a MOOC is a massive open online class course. Many are free, … Continue reading
On Peer Editing…
The following is part of an ongoing collegial conversation I’ve been having with Heather, a 2012 graduate student in the MSSE Program. She has spent 18 years as a microbiology laboratory instructor at a Canadian university, but prior to that
The Power of the Voice
I am in the section of my classroom research course where the assignment for students is to give me a phone call to discuss their ideas for a classroom project. I find this is an extremely valuable assignment. The previous … Continue reading